RegistrationTemporary Certificates

Temporary certificates can be issued ASAP for lambs under 12 months of age or for unregistered/pending adult sheep. Sheep must be offspring of two registered parents to be eligible. Submit the Single Sheep Form with a side photo and note stating that a LAMB/SHOW certificate is needed. Standard registration fees apply (per head). Send form and fee (check payable to N-CSA) to:
Kim Kerley, Registar
P.O. Box 1497
Castle Rock, WA 98611
Lamb/sheep with a temporary certificate are NOT yet officially registered. When you are ready to register the animal send in your temporary certificate, new photos (side and tail), a wool sample, and a fee of $2.00 per head. The sheep will enter the standard registration process. If the sheep passes, an official Certificate of Registry will be mailed to you.