Find a BreederOregon
bide a wee farm
Karen Lobb and Doug Montgomery
19562 NE Calkins Lane
Newberg, OR 97132
Registered Navajo-Churro and Jacob breeding stock, all registered or sold with a registration guarantee. Award winning fleeces, roving, yarn and pelts. Visit our web site for photos, pedigrees and sale information.
Puddleduck Farm
Alan and Ingrid Painter
25782 Timber Road
Brownsville, OR 97327
*Flock established in 1974 and now retaining 30 to 40 ewes.
*See our breeding stock, fleeces, blankets & yarn on our website.

Join the Breeders ListingRules and Rates
Rules for Participation:
• You must be a current, paid N-CSA member.
• Actively registering sheep on a yearly basis or have registered 10+ sheep in the last five (5) years.
• New members, members with immature flocks (which are eligible for registration), and long standing breeders with flocks who may no longer be regularly breeding and registering stock will be considered on a case by case basis. If you’re interested in being listed, but aren’t sure you qualify, contact us!
• The N-CSA reserves the right to refuse to run an ad if deemed inappropriate.
Submit the following information on your application: Click here for a PDF.
Farm or Organization Name:______________________________________
Street Address:_________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________
www Site:______________________________________________________
Breeder Listing:
In approximately 50 words list the products you have for sale. If you need more words, use them and we will edit as necessary. Includes a link to your email and website.
Enhanced Breeder Listing:
Add a photo, logo or business card to your Breeders listing.
Send camera ready artwork for scanning.. or… send a jpeg over the internet
Breeder Listings Rates:
$20 per year for Regular listing.
$30 per year for Enhanced listing. (Only $10 more!).
Send ad copy with payment (made out to ‘N-CSA’) to:
Navajo-Churro Sheep Association
P.O. Box 190840
Boise, ID 83719-0840